- div 2017 68c
- acquired 50% stake in Sepia (housing Telecom Reunion Mayotte) in 2017
- LT 25% market share BB
- grow FTTH subs 300-500k/yr from 2018
- 9m FTTH HP YE 2018, 20m FTTH HP YE 2022
- add 2k sites in 2018
- 3G coverage 95% & 4G (all incl 1800 band) 90% YE 2018
- LT 25% market share mobile
- EBITDA margin up in 2018, EBITDA margin FR 40% by 2020
- capex FR 2018 EUR 1.4-1.5b (excl. spectrum & new Freebox launch)
- FCF (EBITDA - capex) FR >EUR 1b from 2020 from lower national roaming charges (2G & 3G with Orange, expires YE 2020), improved mobile subs mix, nationwide mobile network by 2020
- in place: infra (10k km backbone) & interconnections, offers & mkt plan, distr. network, full team, testing for QoS
- launch summer 2018
- to bid in 5G auction 2018 (700 & 3600/3800 bands)
- investments Italy 2017: € 314m (o/w 50 for spectrum from Wind Tre, 220 for 1800 licenses renewal until 2029)
- target: EBITDA break-even at <10 market="" share="" span="">
- virtuous model, first benefits from 18H1
- medium dense areas (co-finance model) capex < 1000 EUR/home
- French corporate tax rate (33%) to 28% in 2020, 25% in 2022